Versele Laga Success Corn

Versele Laga Success Corn


As their basic feed you give racing pigeons a mixture of pure and healthy grain, pulses and oleaginous seeds. This traditional pigeon mixture is however not a complete feed. Amino acids (including methionin and lysine), vitamins, trace elements and minerals in particular are not present in a sufficient quantity. Success-Corn Plus I.C.+ was developed specifically to fill these deficiencies in grain mixtures, especially during the breeding and moulting period.
Success-Corn Plus I.C.+

increases the protein content to the ideal level and improves the general protein quality, contains only proteins of vegetable origin, including various leafy vegetables, supplies a wealth of vitamins and trace elements, is a completely prebaked feed with better digestibility as a result, and is added as a complementary feed to the traditional grain mixtures, it gives you a fully balanced ration.

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